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Thursday 11 June 2015

BG as it is chapter 13 (marathi) audio recording uploaded.....

Bhagavad Gita As it is (Marathi Translation) - Srila Prabhupada
audio recording of chapter 13 is uploaded on ""

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Ultimate Self Realization course 11.06.2015 (Q&A)......

Question: Tension of Losing My Job
There is extreme tension at my workplace and I am either going to be demoted or will eventually lose my job to another one who has been transferred in.

I realize I should not be stressed and leave it to Krishna.
I pray to you to please help me stay peaceful and calm in this situation.

Thank you, Gurudeva,
Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
You Are Protected by Krishna, Not Your Job.
No need to worry. You are protected by Krishna, not your job. When one is Krishna conscious even the greatest loss is the greatest gain. Simply continue happily with the process of awakening your dormant Krishna consciousness and sincerely, enthusiastically engaging your occupational duties in His service. You’ll be okay.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Join the Ultimate self realization course at: Chant.... HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE ....and be happy.

Ultimate Self Realization course 11.06.2015.. Anant Koti Vaishnava Vrinda ki Jaya.....HG Brahmananda Prabhu ki Jaya!!!!!

The Departure of Sriman Brahmananda Prabhuuploaded from Hong Kong, China
I have sad, heart breaking news to report. Sriman Brahmananda Prabhu, one of the very first devotees who surrendered to Srila Prabhupada in 1966 in New York has now passed a few days ago from this world in the holy land of Vrindavana. This news brought tears to my eyes as I remembered this great Vaisnava. Before the Srimad Bhagavatam class we sang the song "Ye Anilo Prema Dhana" to lament our separation from this great Vaisnava.

Brahmananda Prabhu was chosen to be the first temple president soon after Prabhupada started ISKCON in New York and was subsequently given other positions of authority in Prabhupada's movement. Very personal exchanges, both while in proximity and through correspondence, testify to the fact that Srila Prabhupada and Brahmananda Prabhu were close. This is a matter of public record: Prabhupada’s faith in Brahmananda as a highly capable assistant and the love shared between the two manifested early in the movement’s history.

Here are Brahmananda Prabhu's own words describing how he first experienced the Hare Krishna mantra:

"I had brief contact with the Hare Krishna mantra before meeting Srila Prabhupada, or Swamiji as he was called at the time. I went into a book shop in the West Village and there were these little leaflets. They advertised the kirtan and Swamiji’s program at 26 Second Avenue. And it gave the mantra, but it said that one should 'Practice Transcendental Sound Vibration.' And then it said, 'Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.' It interested me because I was studying the Bhagavad-gita at NYU, so I knew it had something to do with that. But I couldn’t understand: What did it mean by 'Practice' Transcendental Sound Vibration? How does one practice a sound vibration? It was totally alien to me, that is, until I went down to Swamiji’s storefront. But the kirtan really impressed me. I didn’t intellectualize it; I just got into the feeling of it. The intensity of the emotion. I really loved it right from the beginning."

To tell the full extent of the great sacrifices that he made to assist Srila Prabhupada, in Krishnizing the world,  such as pioneering our movement in Pakistan and Africa, would fill volumes. I am thankful that I was blessed with the association of this great Vaisnava, Sriman Brahmananda Prabhu.  I look forward to his eternal association in the most wondrous spiritual sky.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
His Grace Sriman Brahmanda Prabhu--1943-2015
Join the Ultimate self realization course at: Chant.... HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE ....and be happy.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Ultimate Self Realization course 04.06.2015 (Q&A).....

Question: How Can the Pure Soul Fall Down?

I am confused about when and where we have taken birth as a soul. We are minute parts of the Supreme, so is it possible that we may have taken birth in Lord's abode? Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that whoever comes to His abode never comes back to the material world. So then how did we come here?

A pure soul never aspires for anything material. So how can we who must have been pure in our initial birth stage aspire for material enjoyment? Why did we want material enjoyment and get completely entangled here even though we are pure souls? Why is it difficult to cultivate Krishna consciousness into our hearts or love Krishna even though emotions with human relations are automatic?

Please help me and enlighten me with your grace.

Your servant

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
Misuse of Minute Independence

The soul never takes birth. He is unborn. He is an eternal emanation from Krishna. Krishna eternally manifests the living beings from His very self to enjoy loving relationships with them.

Because Krishna is supremely independent and because we are part of Him we share a minute degree of His absolute independence. When we misuse that independence we fall into this material existence. And when we properly use that independence we go back to home, back to Godhead and remain there eternally to serve Him. We can fall once, but having learned our lesson, we will never fall again.

At the present time because we are contaminated by this material nature our natural tendency to serve Krishna is covered by a tendency for material sense gratification. But when we rid ourselves of this contamination by the purificatory process of Krishna consciousness our original natural automatic tendency will be revived to serve Lord Krishna twenty four hours daily with love and devotion, and we will remain with Him forever in a state of unlimited transcendental bliss.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Join the Ultimate self realization course at: Chant.... HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE ....and be happy.

Ultimate Self Realization course 04.06.2015.....

Street Dog or Dog with a Master?
uploaded from Solferino, Mauritius

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami explains that a person who does not have a spiritual master is like a dog without a master and that a person who does have a spiritual master is like a dog with a master.  I have personally witnessed the graphic contrast between the pitiful, lean and thin, diseased, under-nourished street dogs in Vrindavan and the jolly, healthy, stout and strong well-fed, well-cared for dogs who walk with their masters on Mumbai's Juhu beach. It is indeed quite a striking contrast. When you have a bona fide spiritual master you have the guidance and the blessings you need for a wonderful, blissful eternal existence. But when you don't have a bona fide spiritual master you are lost in the cycle of repeated birth and death with no hope of ever escaping the miseries of material existence. Therefore all those who are seeking real happiness in life must take shelter of a bona fide spiritiual master.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Srila Prabhupada Instructs His Disciples

Join the Ultimate self realization course at: Chant.... HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE ....and be happy.