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Saturday 15 February 2014

Ultimate self realization course (Q&A)

Question: Is ISKCON a Cult?

I have been a regular reader of your Thought For The Day. I have got some questions and need clarification for them. Please accept my apologies if I am making any offense in asking these questions. Please help me to get answers for these questions.

1. You always preach that Krishna is the Supreme God and there is no other demigod / avatar equal to Krishna. Then why in ISKCON they worship Gaur Nitai?

2. As per the scriptures the Kali yuga avatar has not yet been born.  Then how can we say that Gaur Nitai is avatar of Krishna in the Kali yuga?

3. Why in ISKCON they do sing Nrsimhadeva prayers when there is no benefit in praying to any god or demigod other then Krishna?

4. Why in ISKCON they have Gaurs arati, not Krishna arati directly?

5. Is ISKCON a cult like so many other cults in India and elsewhere in the world having their own philosophy and own beliefs?

Looking to hear from you.

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
ISKCON is the World's Leading Educational Institution

Thank you very much for you nice questions.  I appreciate very much your sincere inquisitive mood. Here are the answers numbered according to your questions:

1. We worship Gaura Nitai, because Gaura or Lord Caitanya is Krishna Himself appearing in the age of Kali along with Lord Balarama, who appears as Nitai, for delivering all the fallen souls of this age.

2. According to the scriptures the yuga avatar is Lord Caitanya who appeared five centuries ago in Mayapur, which is now in West Bengal, India.

3. According to the scriptures, Lord Nrsimhadeva, the half-man half-lion incarnation of the Lord, is Krishna Himself who appeared to protect His devotee Prahlada from being murdered by his demoniac father Hiranyakasipu. Lord Nrsimhadeva is not a demigod. He is Krishna Himself.

4. We offer the arati worship ceremony both to Lord Krishna and to Gaura Nitai.

5. ISKCON is not a sect or a cult with it's own concocted philosophy and beliefs. It is the world's leading educational institution because it is purely presenting the teachings of Lord Krishna without adulteration for the deliverance of the entire world from illusion and suffering. We are not trying to convert anyone from one religion to another. We simply want to teach everyone how to become pure lovers of God no matter what is their present religion or position.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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