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Monday 25 May 2015

Ultimate Self Realisation course 25.05.2015.

Lesson from Power Outage in Austin
uploaded from ISKCON Austin, Texas

24 May 2015--4:20am--Last night a heavy rain/lightening storm with tornados blew through the Austin area. Heavy winds in our neighborhood knocked over trees and a wooden fence. Our temple suffered only minor damage. Now we are among 19,600 residences that are without electrical power for the last six hours. Fumbling in the dark at 4:00am trying to do our morning program, wondering how we are going to cook the Sunday feast without our electric stove/oven, I am seeing how much dependent we are on electricity for so many of the things that we do. This reminds me of how much we are even more dependent on Krishna, the supreme provider of power, for absolutely everything that we do, even for our very existence. I am hoping that for the sake of our service to Krishna that our electrical power will soon be restored and hoping even more that Krishna consciousness can become fully restored on this bewildered planet to bring the bewildered humanity back to sanity.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Heavy Storm Hits Austin

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