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Wednesday 20 May 2015

Ultimate Self Realization course 20.05.2015 (Q&A).....

Question: Am I Wrong?

Once you said that Lord fulfills only those material desires which we deserve and not what we desire. If Krishna is so conditional in fulfilling our desires, then how can He in the form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu teach us to love Him unconditionally? Isn't this cheating? If we have to totally serve Krishna unconditionally, then Krishna also must be unconditional towards us! Am I wrong?

Trying to be your servant,

Answer by Citing the Vedic Version:
Yes, You are Mistaken

Yes, you are mistaken.  And here's why:

Srila Prabhupada confirms that we get only what we deserve, not what we desire in his book the Teachings of Queen Kunti:

"Our suffering is due to our attachment. Because we are materially attached, we desire so many material things, and therefore Krishna gives us the opportunity to enjoy whatever material facilities we want. Of course, one must deserve these facilities. First deserve, then desire. Suppose I want to become king. I must have pious activities behind me so that I can become king.”

It is wrong to conclude from this that Krishna does not love us unconditionally. Krishna’s uninterrupted unconditional love for us is demonstrated at every minute by His providing all facilities for us to immediately get out of our present suffering condition in which we are completely blinded by the lust for material sense gratification.

You are thinking that Krishna should unconditionally fulfill all of our material desires. But such a thing would keep us entangled eternally in this miserable material existence. Therefore Krishna's not fulfilling all of material desires is another manifestation of His unconditional love for us.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!!!!!
Srila Gurudeva ki Jaya!!!!!
Ananta koti Vaishnava Vrinda ki Jaya!!!!!
Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal Lalita Vishakha Devi ki Jaya!!!!!

Join the Ultimate self realization course at: Chant.... HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAM HARE RAM RAM RAM HARE HARE ....and be happy.

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